Sunday, July 15, 2007

goodness me, penelope tree

How outrageous! but sweet. I was looking at these photos and started thinking about room decorations. haha I'm beginning to wonder how I'll decorate my dorm room in the fall. I thought the bright colors, floral, and interesting shapes are awesome for a room.


Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

She had such a unique face, so rare and bautiful at the same time... her style pics are awsome

AVA said...

I especially like the bottom left picture, it's great.. wonder what your dorm room will look like in the end, do a post about it ;)

BabyCatcher said...

Between you and what Caitlin has been telling me I have no doubt you will have "the most superb room in all the halls of the entire world."

Marcelina amelia said...

i'v just started my blog too