Friday, June 8, 2007

modesty anyone?

Yes it's possible! You can be modest AND sexy at the same time.. modest and stylish.. modest and stunning. Miss Piggy said, "Beauty is a blessing and a burden. One must celebrate the blessing of being beautiful and yet bear the burden of attracting freaks." Ladies, we have beautiful bodies! It's a blessing but if we show off our boobs, we're going to attract freaks.. Guys who just see us as an object and not as a complete person; who see us just as something that can give them them sexual pleasure and an orgasm. Excuse my bluntness! There are (really it's true) guys out there who respect women and see us not as an object but as a whole person, with a soul, imagination, ideas.. and who want to love us and give us everything. Another reason to be modest is that immodesty twists and perverts reality and the true purpose of our sexuality. Our breasts are not for attracting attention, really they're for giving food to new life, nurturing a baby! Well anyways, I love Kirsten Dunst's style! Isn't she gorgeous?


AVA said...

This post was real fun to read! And yes, Kirsten Dunst is gorgeous, I totally agree..

mmr said...

this is such a coincidence, I just did a post on kirsten dunst and now I stumble across yours :p

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

She has fun great style!

Ginika said...

i liked this post

Anonymous said...

love this post sarah, I couldn't agree more.