Wednesday, May 30, 2007

ahh coca cola

It's a hot summer's day and a nice cold Coca Cola in one of those sweet, classic glass bottles is a perfect refreshment for a young girl fashionably yet oh so comfortably dressed. If you've seen a typical Coca Cola commercial, a lady/guy has a coke and everything is just perfect and dandy, happy-go-lucky and carefree. What is that one thing that can brighten your whole day? The latest Teen Vogue magazine, a big really-meant-it hug, your best friend who also is your boyfriend, having a clear conscience and doing a good deed that wasn't necessarily noticed, a friendly cashier at the grocery store, beautiful things like flowers and a cute little red-headed baby, a Chloe bag maybe, a cute cat, an ice cream, just a simple smile... It's the little things in life that matter! Don't miss the little things that people do for you and do a lot of them for all your loved ones! And be happy!!


jenna said...

you are so cute and it shines thru from your texts!!


mmr said...

That's such a great post! And you're totally right ;)

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

I miss summer!!! It's almost winter here and all is sad and cold but the only thing good for this time is wear those lovely jackets and coats...